



  • 希伯来语

    在三年级,我们继续Tal Am项目. 作为“成功学习”的班级,我们的目标包括:
    • Increased reading comprehension and writing skills by reading texts in two year-long units
      • 第一,如何成功地学习,基于七个步骤获得学习技巧
      • 第二个, 如何成功地了解我们的朋友和我们自己——我们的外表, 爱好, 利益, 以及我们如何学习
    • Increased conversation and listening skills through songs, group work, and presentations
    • 继续学习语法主题, 使用补充练习册, 包括根, 现在时态, 不定式, 改善句子结构
  • 犹太人的研究

    In third grade, Chumash study continues with Parshiyot Chayei Sarah, Toldot, and Vayetzei.

    Students work to deepen their understanding of the text as Rashi’s commentary is introduced to their Chumash study. 三年级学生学习合作(chavrutas), 阅读和翻译文章,并对文章提出问题, 作为一种开始“像拉什一样思考”的方式. Thinking like Rashi allows students to anticipate his questions and creates an authentic Rashi-learning experience where students are eager to find answers to their questions. 学生们学习读拉什文,然后, 因为他们开始预料到他的问题, inside了解他的评论. Chumash discussions require students to think critically about the text and to support their claims with textual evidence. Third graders are encouraged to discuss their own thoughts and answers to peers’ questions before learning the commentaries.

    每周, cumulative shorashim quizzes make 3rd graders shorashim experts and able to tackle any pasuk (verse) that comes their way!

    在周一和周四的上午会议上简要讨论了Parsha, 在一周的日子里,在希伯来书中阅读Torah部分. Parsha study culminates with a weekly skit which the students perform in class and take home to share with their families as well.

    三年级的学生还学习Yediot Klaliot,或其他一般的犹太知识. We learn with the help of our Chayenu workbooks and songs that help us to remember information such as the 希伯来语 months of the year, 12 shvatim, Torah中的Parshiyot, 等.

    The third graders’ insights into and knowledge of chagim (Jewish holidays) continues to deepen as they both revisit previous years’ experiences and introduce new aspects:

    One of the most important aspects of third grade is the classroom community that is fostered largely by morning meetings. Morning meetings are held at the start of each class’s Judaic studies class time and is a time to work on community building, 社会技能, 甚至可以强化课堂上学习的一些学术技能. It is a time when students learn to be respectful listeners and participants in group discussions.
  • 语言艺术

    随着孩子们从二年级开始成为读者, 从阅读中学习的策略在三年级成为最重要的. 学生学会推断, 建立联系, 并得出结论,以成为更熟练和批判性的读者. 我们通过以下方式促进平衡阅读计划的发展:
    • 大声朗读-我们读书给孩子们听是为了娱乐、知识、激发好奇心和启发灵感.
    • 指导阅读- We guide and support our students as they identify and apply literary strategies such as Main Idea, 因果关系, 测序, 做预测, 预示, 并得出结论.
    • 文学研究- We meet with students for an in-depth discussion of a book, designed to foster critical thinking. It is an opportunity for students to share their questions, insights and responses to a given text.
    孩子们阅读的书籍类型很广:小说, 非小说类, 传记, 神秘, 与现实主义小说.

    写作不仅仅是一项技能,而是一组包括顺序的技能, 拼写, 语法, 词汇表, 重读, 用例子来支持观点. Explicit instruction is essential to ensure the development of effective writing skills. 在三年级,学生们在整个课程中写作. 孩子们通过积极参与这个过程来学习写作. 学生们计划、起草、修改、编辑和出版各种形式的自己的作品. The teacher guides the student through the process and provides support through lessons and conferences.

    • 有说服力的写作
    • 叙事写作
    • 说明性写作
    • 书信写作
    • 诗歌
    • 时间线
    • 读书报告
  • 数学

    Students in grade 3 are taught math in small groups according to their ability level, 使我们能够满足每个孩子的个性化需求. 我们用动手的方法使抽象的单元更加具体. Children actively participate in all lessons and a wide variety of materials are used.
    • 估计
    • 数字和位置值为10,000
    • 乘法和除法到10
    • 乘法及其与除法的关系
    • 概率
    • 减法审查
    • Time
    • 整体的部分
    • 同分母分数的加减运算
    • 几何-线段,角度,对称,周长,面积
    • 加减小数
    • 图形数据
  • 体育课

    威彻斯特走读学校 is committed to a quality 体育课 Program which is an essential part of the core curriculum deserving and receiving equal priority in the total 教育al philosophy of the school. Research from several scientific studies are in agreement that daily physical activity improves cognitive function, 在课堂上的成就表现, 心理健康, 信心, 自尊, 总的来说,个人的身体健康和体能得到了改善, 让孩子更快乐,更健康. It is with this in mind that each week the students in the lower school ( grades 1-5) are provided 4 periods of physical 教育 (30 minutes each).
  • 科学

    三年级的科学侧重于生态系统. 学生将学习植物和动物的适应性以及地理如何影响气候. 学生们利用WDS进行湿地研究和食物网. 三年级学生也通过各种方法学习空间, 包括制作太阳系的比例模型.

    沙漠星星 & 星座
  • 社会研究

    三年级的社会研究侧重于社区. 我们将前往热带雨林、极地、沙漠、沼泽地和外太空. Our 社会研究 and 科学 units are integrated and supported by experiments in the science lab every week. 孩子们学习每个不同社区的文化, 环境, 经济, 传统, 教育, 娱乐, 运输, 植物和动物, 和地理. 在课堂技术的支持下, 包括, ipad, 电脑和智能板, 孩子们能够收集信息来做有指导的研究项目.




威彻斯特走读学校 is a Modern Orthodox, 男女合校, dual-curriculum, toddler to 8th grade Jewish school that inspires and educates our students in their own way to value menschlichkeit, 一下, 终身学习.